first time doing yoga? this 60 min video is for you! a great intro to Vinyasa Flow Yoga - features a focus on yogic breath, Warrior 1 and Sun Salutation A. first video of two in a 6-part series
build on what you learned in the first class! a 60 min class focussing on gate, triangle, warrior 2 & a guided savasana. second video of a 6-part series
been a while since you last did yoga? this one-hour sequence will help you ease back into the flow... at your own pace. features downward dog, forward fold, chair & figure 4
a 60-minute, do-your-body-good, all around Vinyasa Flow Yoga sequence featuring poses like Triangle, Revolved Triangle, Eagle Pose, Warriors 1 & 2.
one hour vinyasa flow yoga sequence designed to strengthen legs, improve balance & work your core. features poses like tree, warriors 1 & 2 and triangle.
a 60-minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga sequence featuring poses to open your heart and shoulders. like cow face pose, reverse plank & cobra. grab a strap and a block!
one hour vinyasa flow yoga sequence designed to open hips, stretch glutes and draw energy up through the sides of the body. bring your block! features poses like frog, eagle & crocodile.
Perfect for the 'day after', this 60 min yoga flow focusing on grounding poses like warrior 1, child's pose, malasana & mountain pose
a well-rounded 60 min vinyasa flow yoga sequence spotlighting your glutes, hamstrings and heart openers. grab a couple of blocks and your bolster! join us in poses starting in seated forward bend and moving to low lunge, half pyramid, and modified camel.
a one hour vinyasa flow yoga sequence focusing on hips, shoulders and some extra time on the floor in reclined poses including happy baby and reclined twist. move through an invigorating warm up to pigeon pose and finish with the yin pose bananasana
an hour gentle yoga flow starting with neck, moving though the body & finishing with legs up the wall.
this 60-min practice is designed for an allover workout with an emphasis on moving your shoulders & opening your heart and your hips. features poses such as feet/shoulder stretch, low lunge twists & reclined figure four.
In this yoga sequence we move through poses such as bird dog, side plank, dolphin and extended side angle pose, working both the muscles along the sides of your core, hips & waist. With stretching as much as flexing, this sequence ends in a feel-good Bananasana before Savasana.
A 60-min vinyasa flow yoga sequence focusing on poses that stretch and strengthen your legs & glutes. a general flow featuring poses like warrior 2, humble warrior, wide legged forward bend, standing figure four & reclined head to knee.
An energizing 60min vinyasa flow yoga featuring gentle inversions like downward dog, dolphin, fish & bridge pose.
A 60-min vinyasa yoga flow focusing on building core strength. Features poses like Revolved Downward Dog, Boat and Chair
Feeling a bit... off? Join us in this 60 min vinyasa flow yoga sequence designed to relieve stress and work out the kinks. Features poses like cat/cow, one legged Tadasana, and poses using the wall including figure four, revolved goddess, & reclined head to knee. ends calmly with legs up the wall.
This 60-min Vinyasa Yoga Flow moves you through all of the planes of motion, focusing on hips and twists. Features poses like low lunge, standing figure 4, pigeon, happy baby and reclined twist.
a 41 min yoga vinyasa flow through the chakras. great tune-up for when you are feeling a little out of sorts. features poses like warrior 1 & 2, bird dog and cow face pose
A 60-min vinyasa flow practice to end the year on the right foot! See more winter-themed practices by clicking on the button above